Take the Mystery Out of Cataract Surgery

More than 22 million Americans over the age of 40 have cataracts and more than 72% of adults will get cataracts.

Remarkably, many are still in the dark when it comes to knowing or understanding the modern advances in treating the rather common eye condition.

There are many misconceptions about cataracts.

Elderly Couple Walking After cataract Surgery

Cataract Lens Options for Better Cataract Surgery Results

Now that you know you have a cataract and you are aware of the types of cataracts, it is time to determine if an upgraded lens for better surgical results is right for you.

There are several premium lens options that are available to cataract patients. The following information is to assist anyone considering cataract surgery –

Cataract Surgery Recovery

Helpful Tips to Recover from Cataract Surgery

More Than 3 million Cataract Procedures Are Performed in the United States Every Year

Cataract surgery is as common as the seasonal cold. Therefore, cataract surgery recovery should be as uneventful. If you adhere to the pre-operative and post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, this should be the case.

What should you expect the day of cataract surgery?

Are You Experiencing Cataract Symptoms?

Immature cataracts have very little impact on your vision.

Did you know that when you first start developing a cataract, it has very little impact on your vision? You may notice a little blurriness in your vision, however, if you are over the age of 40, you have most likely been dealing with blurry vision already.