What Are Retinal Detachments?
The vitreous is able to move away from the retina without causing problems. But sometimes the vitreous pulls hard enough to cause a tear the retina in one or more places. Fluid is then able to pass through a retinal tear ,and lift the retina off the back of the eye. When the retina is pulled away from the back of the eye in this manner , it causes a retinal detachment.
A Retinal detachment is a serious condition, Without treatment the entire Retina could detach causing vision loss and perhaps blindness.
Symptoms of Retinal Detachments
- A sudden decrease in your vision.
- Sudden increase in size and number of floaters.
- Feeling that a curtain or veil has been drawn over your vision.
- Dramatic increase in the amount of flashes.
- Having a shadow appear in the side of your field of vision.
- If you experience any of these symptoms, call us as soon as possible to schedule an examination.