Chronic Dry Eyes

Relief From Chronic Dry Eye

Tired of Suffering From Your Chronic Dry Eyes?

Do you suffer from a feeling of having chronic dry eyes? Did you know that more than likely, you do not have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish your eyes? Dry eyes is a common and often chronic problem, particularly for adults who are over the age of 45.

Tis The Season of Chronic Dry Eye

What is Chronic Dry Eye?

Chronic dry eye is an incurable ocular surface disease in which you are unable to produce sufficient tears to keep your eyes hydrated, resulting in dry scratchy eyes that often suffer from blurred vision.

Dry eyes are caused by a lack of adequate tear production or the quality of tear production.

Summertime Tips for Eye Care and Safety

I know it is hard to believe that summer is just a couple of weeks away. However, it is a lot closer than you think! Therefore, we thought we would offer up some tips to maintain the health of your eyes over the summer.

The first and most important is to wear protective eyewear for any outdoor activities or tasks that involve potential exposure to toxic chemicals or the sun.