Take the Mystery Out of Cataract Surgery

More than 22 million Americans over the age of 40 have cataracts and more than 72% of adults will get cataracts.

Remarkably, many are still in the dark when it comes to knowing or understanding the modern advances in treating the rather common eye condition.

Cataract Surgery Recovery

There are many misconceptions about cataracts.

At Dedham Ophthalmic Consultants and Surgeons our mission is to provide our patients not only access to the best cataract treatment options but to provide them with the information necessary to make an informed decision about their eye care.

If you are one of more than 50% of adults suffering from cloudy vision caused by cataracts, do not allow your own misconceptions to cloud your judgment too.

We hope that this information will help demystify cataracts and cataract surgery.

WHAT IS A CATARACT? A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes. It is caused, typically by the aging process of our corneal lens. However, there are instances where younger individuals have developed cataracts, so it is always wise to have an annual eye exam.

The corneal lens lies within our cornea and is what adjusts the eye’s focus. It is made mostly of water and protein. As we age, the protein may start to

WHAT CAUSES A CATARACT? As we age, the protein may start to clump, creating a small white cloudy area on the lens. This “cloudy area” is a cataract. Cataracts make it more difficult to see as they mature.

RECOGNIZING A CATARACT: The most common symptoms of a cataract is cloudy and blurred images. Faded colors, halos, sensitivity to light and poor night vision are other indicators that a cataract may be present. If you start experiencing any of these symptoms on a more frequent basis, it is wise to see an eye doctor for an evaluation.

CATARACT SURGERY is safe, extremely consistent, and produces immediate results.

In recent years, new developments in cataract surgery have significantly improved the results and safety of cataract surgery. The use of intraoperative antibiotics to the cutting-edge laser systems, has resulted in precise results with very little discomfort during recovery.

New implantable lenses are known to significantly reduce or eliminate the need for glasses after cataract surgery.

Research is important for any person looking to improve their eye health.

If you’re concerned about your vision or the possibility of needing cataract treatment. Take that first crucial step to making an informed decision and visit Dedham Ophthalmic Consultants.


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